eTWIST® V2.0 – Mobile Evidence Tracking
Collect, document, photo and bar-code evidence in the field using Mobile Computing Devices. Collected evidence is uploaded to the primary system tying officers, DSN, Case#, Geo-Tracking and Time/Date stamp together in one easy application.

Entering in pertinent information allows agencies to make certain information is entered properly. 100% customizable to fit each agency’s needs.

Android/iOS based software, uses Bar-Coding, GPS Location, IDScan, NCIC and UCR codes, designed for the unobtrusive tracking of evidence.

Officers identify, document, record, photograph and track evidence while at the crime scene, eliminating entering repetitive data.

Alert push notifications sent to officers’ smart phone, email, and WebApp account to provide information and transparency.
Benefits of Law Enforcement Evidence Management
Evidence Management Mobility Solutions help streamline work functions, allowing the cost-effective tracking of evidence and the compiling of data required to meet accounting regulations while providing a complete, enterprise-wide view of evidence. Users are more productive and evidence is better managed. Chain of Custody processes are improved, helping to Protect the Truth™, while ensuring complete documentations.
Evidence Management Mobility Solutions also make financial sense. Evidence Management requires the capture of different data types (such as bar codes and RFID tags), Primary Marking offers several devices that can scan the various data types in use throughout the organization. Capital expenses for assets are reduced, including related maintenance and customer support costs.
Primary Marking offers mobile devices for a diverse range of government users. Evidence technicians and field officers can benefit from integrated data and voice devices to connect to mission-critical information, while use of advanced data capture capabilities improve productivity and streamline the evidence capture processes.
Choose eTWIST for Evidence Management
When it comes to selecting a provider for your mobile evidence solution, choose the industry leader with a long history of proven deployments within State & Local and Federal (DoD and Civil) agencies with innovative technology – Primary Marking. With Primary Marking, agencies enjoy technology that is second nature, so your officers can stay focused on the mission – not the technology – providing the productivity increase and instant information access needed to Protect the Truth™.
Mobile devices are not just tough on the outside; they are tough on the inside, packed with processing power features that provide outstanding application performance and pervasive wireless connectivity. With Primary Marking, you get the reliability, security, manageability and superior uptime that mission-critical applications demand. Primary Marking offers the strength of the industry leader and the power of tested and proved end-to-end solutions.
For more information on how Primary Marking can help you improve the efficiency and reduce the costs associated with Evidence Management within your agency, please call us at 888-261-9178 or visit us on the web at
A Strategic Solution for Law Enforcement Evidence Management
eTWIST® a multi-patented Chain of Custody system which brings evidence-based policing (EBP), precise controls & accountability to the gathering, handling & maintenance of evidence, starting at the crime scene extending all the way through the entire judicial process, including maintaining evidence after trial. eTWIST® uses technology to support Law Enforcement by enhancing/extending transparency & accountability work through the strategic application of new technologies & data-informed approaches. This capability can be used in a range of Law Enforcement activities to include criminal investigations, intelligence collection, post-blast investigations, sensitive site exploitation, & downed aircraft investigations. On-site capabilities under one system: mobile collection & documentation, high resolution photography with integrated GPS geo-location, Bar Code/Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) evidence marking & chain of custody tracking, near real-time data sharing, Government issued ID cards, such Drivers Licenses and Common Access Card (CAC) scanning, & automated notifications.
Proven Solutions/Proven Technology/Solid Proof
Accuracy protects Chain of Custody; accurate data better protect citizens. Reduced administration time allows officers to spend less time at their desks and more on the streets, protecting their communities. The resulting administrative reduction improves productivity, accountability and LEA’s staff utilization, helping contain costs. LEA’s view photos/real-time video of an incident scene, blueprints of buildings and detailed maps, before arriving at the scene. The combination of these capabilities will significantly improve forensic evidence collection efficiency, aid quality control, lower costs, and mitigate operational risk by minimizing the time investigators/intelligence forces spend at the field collection site.