Establishing Accurate, Consistent Standards for Sexual Assault Evidence Collection, Processing & Custody Throughout the US
Using modern technology for tracking all sexual assault evidence helps prosecute and prolong incarceration to deter serial rapists. Evidence collection after sexual assault requires proper documentation, handling and transfer of evidence. Accurate, consistent reporting of sexual assaults allows clear communication between agencies and jurisdictions.
Primary Marking System’s more than 20 years experience with tracking technology is fundamental to the development of our multi-patented evidence collection and tracking software, eTWIST® (Evidence Tracking With Information Solutions Technology). The eSAFE® (Sexual Assault Forensic Examination) back-end system provides maximum security for all information collected.
As states begin to legislate evidence collection procedures following sexual assaults, these systems provide proper documentation/collection, handling and custody of evidence. Systems can be adapted to meet any jurisdictional procedures and all the legally-mandated practices that vary from state to state.
- Many rapists are serial rapists. It is imperative they are apprehended and convicted.
- Proper chain of custody for DNA evidence can be vital to conviction
- Simple tracking technology used in most industries can begin to stop the national epidemic of untested and missing SAKs
- Evidence in acquaintance rape may provide a DNA match to identify previously unknown assailants
News on Rape Kit Tracking and Testing
Evidence Technology Magazine shares BEST PRACTICES identified by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and the Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Reporting Working Group (SAFER).
Older stories
- State of Ohio to offer online rape kit tracking to victims, WCPO Cincinnati
- Minnesota law on handling sexual assault kits in effect August 1, Shoreline Press
- Missouri Attorney General finds 4,889 untested sexual assault kits, Springfield News Leader
March 2018
- Suspect accused of rape and murder while DNA evidence that could have incarcerated him sits on shelf – Man who stayed free while rape kit went untested is accused of 2015 murder
Last 600 untested rape kits in Wayne County sent for processing
February 2018
- Minnesota drafts new rape kit protocols with timetables for testing. Backlog of untested exams brings call for new law.
January 2018
- Detroit Kit Testing May Identify Hundreds Of Serial Rapists
- San Diego Tribune Union-Tribune Column | How #MeToo may bolster the case for testing all rape kits
- Trump Signs SAFER Act January 10, 2018
- D.C. Crime Lab eliminates rape kit backlog
2017 Articles
- Texas to Implement Tracking – Forensic Magazine
- Bipartisan Task Force to End Sexual Violence introduces resolution urging states to pass comprehensive reforms to improve the handling and processing of sexual assault kits
- Florida testing results in nearly 1,400 hits in federal DNA database
Older articles
- IL state police lab has huge backlog of untested rape kits.
- Editorial re Chi burb that fails to act on SAK test results.
- WA imposes rape kit tracking system.
- Backlog in Berkeley, CA
- Untested kits in Delaware.
- Untested rape kits in GA and proposed legislation.
- Portland cops send 2,800 rape kits to Utah for DNA testing.
- $38 million for testing of rape kits from Manhattan [NYC] DA office.